The &Now Awards 2: The Best Innovative Writing

Davis Schneiderman, ed.

From the intro: “1. All of the work in this volume has been previously published. All of the work in this volume was published between September 2009 and September 2011. Except for one piece . . . 2. This introduction is already over . . . . 4. The Festival is biennial, except when it is not. 5. There are many words in this book, and you might read some or all, in any order . . . . 8. Isn’t that clever? . . . . 10. &NOW Books publishes this anthology. There is no connection between the anthology and the festival. Except when there is. 11. Trust Wikipedia. Or not . . . . 19. & so on.” Need we say more? Yes: &NOW is cutting edge of cutting edge followed by us.

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