Submissions are now Closed!
Thank you for submitting to Toad Suck Review. Unfortunately, The Toad has had to take a hiatus, and it may or may not return in 2017. Therefore, we are not currently reading any submissions. Please feel free to submit your work elsewhere, and good luck. If and when The Toad returns, we will make sure to let you know.
TSR Editors
But first please read:
Our guidelines are very open and ambiguous. Don’t send us too much and don’t make it too long. If you send on email, use Word or rtf. We’re easy. If it works, we’ll be in touch.
We welcome original, inventive, and daring writing of all sorts: fiction, poetry, plays, reviews, interviews, social commentary, memoir, political rants, ecologically conscientious reflections, talk about literature, talk about culture, talk about teaching. We certainly subscribe to the theory that any type of writing is, or can be, and should be, creative. We also welcome—and in fact seek—great artwork and photographs to print. While it’s not typical of what appears in the magazine, we do on occasion publish reprints, if we are sufficiently moved by the subject matter and are just dying to see the writer in question appear in our pages. About so-called genre fiction: We can’t say that we seek it out, but we like to think we can recognize good writing no matter what form it comes in. We’d be especially interested in genre writing that expands or challenges or reinvents the forms and conventions of the genre, because expanding and challenging and reinventing is what all good writing does. And what it should try to do. As for payment, like our former incarnation, the Exquisite Corpse Annual, we pay in infamy. And contributor copies.
Editorial Policy: We might make a few minor cosmetic changes like with commas or italics according to our conventions, but if we feel we need to do more than that, we’ll work closely with the author to make sure he or she is aware of and down with whatever changes we envision. We try not to meddle too much, but sometimes we have ideas that can make the work/s even more effective. Of course, we try to correct any typos or grammar problems that we find, unless they are actually stylistic choices made by the writer. Usually, we do not offer proofs for the writers to comment on—but if we make more than a few changes, we’ll check back with the creator to make sure what we’re doing isn’t intrusive. We spend a lot of time asking questions of our contributors and not enough time fact-checking stuff. We are not the news; we are the Imagination.
We don’t care if you simultaneously submit, but please alert us if your work has been placed elsewhere so that we can withdraw it from our submissions box. If you have a submission with us that contains multiple pieces for consideration and you must withdraw any individual part of that submission, we will remove that entire submission from consideration for publication with the current issue. If we accept your work and you accept, then you grant us permission for exclusive world rights. After we publish, the rights revert back to you—but we ask that you acknowledge the Toad if it gets published again.
In the interest of featuring new voices in every issue, we rarely publish contributors in consecutive issues
Submissions should be sent electronically via:
or by mail at:
Toad Suck Review
Department of Writing
University of Central Arkansas